Remembering Christ

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Well, it is Resurrection Sunday. I am honored to take this time each year to remember the sacrifice that was made on the behalf of mankind. I remind myself each day that His death embodied the death of everything that I used to be. His burial covered my old life completely from memory. And with His resurrection, I rose to a new life that is pleasing to God. My faith in this truth has given me a new life! Thank you Jesus!

Be blessed.

Found by Hillsong


The only place we can truly find ourselves is in the one in whose image we were made. When we spend time allowing our need for meaning and identity to be fulfilled and defined by Him and Him alone, then we will ultimately find our true selves.

When we stand face to face with God (with holiness, with love, truth, wisdom, judgment, peace, endurance, and all His attributes), we are actually peering into our own reflection, discovering our true self.

Be blessed!